YOUR LIFESTYLE Whether you're a student, a bachelor or a family unit, there is something for everyone. Now you can buy & sell, share or trade, carpool and much much more! Witness the conversion of your apartment building into a virtual home.
HOW WE FIT IN This software will help build interaction between all residents. Looking for a gym buddy? Tired of chasing management for maintenance requests? Cooking only to find you're missing an ingredient?
IMAGINE THE EXPERIENCE Book amenities with a click of a button Save some money, share a ride to the grocery store Or make some money by using the Floor Hopper feature
DOWNLOAD T4 Tax returns made easy; obtain rent receipts in electronic format and print anywhere, anytime.
SPEEDY MAINTENANCE REQUEST Lodge a complaint online without having to fill out paperwork and chase management.
KNOW THY NEIGHBOR Interact with fellow residents and experience community living within apartment buildings.
TRACK EVENTS Bored? Access the events tab to see what’s going on in your building or downtown and be part of the fun!
AUTOMATION OF BUILDING MANAGEMENT Say hello to paperless documentation! Manage resident database and respective work orders of the entire building on one platform. Now you can input information regarding appliances, fittings and fixtures to easily track and manage their history.
INFORMATION ON YOUR FINGERTIPS Faster decision making Manage on-the-go Prioritize tasks Reduced work-load
PAPERLESS BUSINESS PROCESS Maintain and easily manage data in electronic format instead of having to deal with countless forms.
EASY MAINTENANCE Receive requests online instead of having to deal with frantic phone calls and regular visits from residents.
ASSET METRIC SYSTEM Our revolutionary metrics system is capable of automatically generating reports based on work orders, appliances, fixtures and fittings. Building Management Productivity Reports Appliance Complaint Reports Tenant Demographic Reports Brand Comparison Reports Rent Payment Reports
REAL-TIME DATA MANAGEMENT We give you real-time information regarding the respective building statistics along with easy access to Tenants.
GO GREEN Do your bit for the enviornment by eliminating unnecessary paper wastage & enjoy the perks of electronic data management simultaneously.
MANAGER EFFICIENCY Monitor the effectiveness of building managers with respect to handling complaints and maintenance requests.
INVENTORY BRAND COMPARISON Pinpoint which brands have registered the most complaints with respect to material and/or appliances to aid future purchasing decisions.
RENTAL PAYMENTS Monitor the payment cycle of buildings to see where the collection is not satisfactory and where lease extensions should be approved.
EASE OF ACCESSIBILITY Reduce dependency on building management. Use our system to produce detailed informative reports.